Our company belongs among the largest distributors of car parts for Škoda brand vehicles. Our distribution system is based on cooperation with wholesalers and wholesale distributors with spare parts in both the Czech Republic and abroad. We are an all-Czech company, which not only enables us to flexibly react to the individual needs of our customers, but to also implement new products and services on a regular basis.
We prioritise selling original parts and parts from manufacturers supplying to basic industries. Products from a number of significant international manufacturers are included in our assortment.
In our offer you will even find alternatives for certain items, affordable and quality parts from aftermarket manufacturers – all marked as Autoparts ekonomi line. We place emphasis on the assortment of offered parts, thus we also keep special parts on stock with a small turnover.
The focus of our offer is derived from customer requirements and is primarily directed at Octavia, Octavia 2, Fabia, Superb and Roomster vehicles. We expand our services with parts for newer models on a regular basis. Therefore, you can even already find parts for Škoda Fabia2, Superb2, YETI, or the new model Škoda Citigo.
In 2004 we became the exclusive distributor for the company Siemens VDO, formerly known as Continental VDO, for the Czech Republic and we offer our customers a complete assortment of VDO for all brands.
Autoparts is your reliable partner in supplying car parts for Škoda vehicles.
platnost od 04.03.2024 neomezeně
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platnost od 19.08.2021 neomezeně
AUTOPARTS s.r.o. provozovna: Ve Žlíbku 1800, 193 00 Praha 9 - Horní Počernice, hala A4, otevřeno: PO-PÁ 8:00 - 18:00, tel: 226 001 333, 226 001 334, fax: 226 001 335, autoparts@autoparts.cz fakturační údaje: IČ: 26721848, DIČ: CZ26721848
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